Step in! Intercultural commitment

Already in October 2013, a pilot project for a youth social week took place in Timisoara, Romania, in which around 20 young people took part. The project days at the diocese’s retreat centre were held under the motto “Poverty, a sad face of our city”. The participants used discussions and experiential learning exercises to work out to what extent and where their own city is characterized by poverty. They also considered what “being poor” really means for everyday life and how the associated challenges can be met. In discussions with invited speakers, they also developed a number of questions that they could later address directly to those affected. The opportunity for this was provided in particular during the excursions and on-site visits, such as to Caritas facilities, night shelters for the homeless and the local employment agency.

The special experience of living and working together motivated the young people to actively participate in the social life of their city beyond the project week. The current “alumni” are therefore all the more pleased that, since the end of 2015, more young people have been given the opportunity to gain similar beneficial experiences on site with annual project weeks in the “STEP IN” community.

Here, socio-ethical youth weeks are held annually in Lipova. “STEP IN means ‚get involved – you can make a difference‘,” says Attila Dobai, who helps organize the weeks as a volunteer. Since socioMovens began its work in western Romania, a permanent youth group has formed that meets monthly, plans charitable activities and forms a sustainable community.

“It’s a wonderful experience to see how the young people stick together. They are enthusiastic about the idea of working together to change their city and the region for the better,“ says Andreea Mergel, who has accompanied the projects as a volunteer coordinator since the beginning. Macedon Hiticas, who launched the projects in 2016 together with socioMovens, adds: “You can feel that the young people are inspired by the Gospel. They want to be more than just an NGO that does good things. Thanks to the spiritual dimension, Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants can work together as brothers and sisters – for the good of all people!”

This spirit can also be seen in the young people who take part in the youth project week. They come into contact with civil society leaders, visit homes for children from socially disadvantaged families or spend time with lonely elderly people. In this way, they learn about ways to get involved for other people and use their own potential.

Just how much this commitment is appreciated was made particularly clear to the students by the fact that even the Bishop of Timisoara, Joszef Pál, paid the young participants a visit in their accommodation and talked to them about their experiences. They all agreed that “STEP IN” is a concrete invitation to put socioMovens‘ motto “Giving Europe a Soul ” into practice on the ground.

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