Our Joint Methodology

Our local project weeks are implemented in different ways, reacting to the specific needs of the local youth. However, they combine three main aspects that also characterize our youth work as a whole as “cornerstones”, that you can discover in details below:

  1. Thematic focus: content-related work on the social key issue
  2. Encounters on site: contact and exchange with those affected
  3. Reflection and spirituality: mental and spiritual reconnection in the group.

A daily common entry and exit forms the thread through the project days. During the encounter, the “sports4peace” cube, which has already been tried and tested in many ways, is used to give the young people a motto for the day.

Based on these simple, but still meaningful pillars socioMovens is keen to support its local coordinators and volunteers in a further development of methods and tools for engagement. It has therefore recently been a partner in the establishment of a Toolkit on Safeguarding in International Youth Work. From 2025, socioMovens will further its engagement towards hybrid and digital means of community youth work. Further ideas on peer-to-peer methodologies and a deepening of its experiential learning approach are in the pipeline – stay tuned!

Key Social Issue

A project day has various units in which the young people deal with a selected social or ecological challenge in their local reality. They begin by describing the situation in their personal environment. They then use various methods to explore the topic in greater depth in a solution-oriented manner. In particular, the active participation of the young people is encouraged. The programme promotes a sensitisation regarding the situation of those affected through experiential educational exercises. This enables the young participants to relate to the reality of their own lives. Example topics are poverty, the situation of old people in society or drugs and addiction.

Encounters on Site

Instead of just imparting knowledge, the focus of the days is always on sharing and experiencing things together. The aim is not just to talk about, but to talk with those affected. This gives the young people an existential approach to the topic of the project week. In their encounters with children, the elderly, the sick, outcasts and the disadvantaged, the participating youth are also challenged in their own person and lifestyle and at the same time gain a new perspective on their neighbours. The direct contact contributes to reducing the young people’s fears and prejudices. During the time spent together with those affected, they also realize how easily they can give joy and affection – but above all receive it. An experience that moves many of the young people and inspires to further engagement with social volunteering.

Reflection and Spirituality

In order to give the young participants the opportunity to reflect on the diverse impressions of the day and make them fruitful for themselves, the daily impulse at the beginning and its evaluation in the evening are key. SocioMovens collaborators, often members of the “Family of Hope”, the Fazenda da Esperança, present moving life testimonies and a short devotional each morning with a catchy motto, based on the “sports4peace” cube, to accompany the pupils throughout the day. With words such as “Take care of” and their foundation in the Scripture, they are given an instrument that sharpens their awareness with regard to loving God and their neighbour and enables a pragmatic approach to faith in community. This is also expressed in communal prayer. During the evening reflection many of the young people participating experience an elsewhere inexistent space to share their personal experiences, questions and life.


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