International Projects


Together with its network partners socioMovens is starting joint projects to enhance international youth work and help all partners with organisational development to raise their capacities in „giving Europe a Soul“.

Projects that we realise jointly in the network help us to understand each other better and provide real peer-learning effects.

In effect, we are able to deliver our youth work closer to the needs of our participants and communities.


Board Member


The project promotes the qualification, sustainable involvement and assumption of responsibility by alumni as multipliers/youth workers. Throughout different activities the partners pilot the implementation of new recruitment and training possibilities – in a European exchange network.

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


„From Brussels to the Locals: Hands On Youth Participation“ wants to equip young people from Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Croatia for more independent participation especially in civil society, but also in politics. Therefore delegations from the countries are having a workshop in Brussels. Consequently the young people organise Youth Participation Days (YPDs) for their local communities.

socioMovens is an associated project partner. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Safeguarding Toolbox

Since 2023 the socioMovens network has accelerated its work on the topic of safeguarding in international youth work. In cooperation with partners from the network and experts we have drafted, piloted, finalised and implemented the use of a Toolbox with a broad set of practical safeguarding methods.

In the beginning the toolbox is available in English, Polish and German – more languages from the socioMovens network will follow.

The project has been generously co-funded by the Prevention Team of the Archdiocese of Paderborn.

For more information visit the dedicated site.


Youth Inspired Across Borders is the speaking title of the newest international project, that aims to re-activate young alumni of socioMovens-project work and develop digital and hybrid formation and engagement offers with and for them. More information is set to follow upon the further implementation of the programme.

New project ideas?


Given the suitability for our network, we are always open to new project collaborations. Feel free to reach out!

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