Supporting socioMovens with a donation
Thank you for supporting the European peace network socioMovens with your donation!
Foundation socioMovens. Giving Europe a Soul
Bank für Kirche und Caritas Paderborn
IBAN: DE55 4726 0307 0820 4200 00
You can support our work with a low-threshold one-off donation – your contribution of just 100 euros will enable us to finance materials for a solidarity campaign. A contribution of just 200 euros enables a young person to take part in a project week in Slovakia or Croatia, for example.
The ability to plan donations enables particularly sustainable project work with our partners. With your regular donation, you can support the counselling and networking of our local coordinators or the project work in a specific partner country, for example. This is possible by standing order or direct debit. If you are interested, we will be happy to talk to you in more detail!
You can support our work in a particularly sustainable way by making a tax-privileged donation to the assets of our recognised charitable foundation – we would also be happy to advise you on this and look forward to hearing from you.
Alternatively, you can also donate to the association socioMovens e.V., which is primarily concerned with maintaining membership in the network and contributes to the realisation of the foundation’s objectives.
Association socioMovens e.V.
Bank für Kirche und Caritas Paderborn
IBAN: DE62 4726 0307 0023 9003 00