socioMovens. Giving Europe a Soul

In order to institutionalize the work of the international youth movement and secure it in the long term, the foundation socioMovens. Giving Europe a Soul, which is the main point of contact for the further development of the European network, was established in 2022. The purpose of the foundation is to promote youth welfare, education and upbringing, religion and international understanding in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe on the basis of Catholic social teaching.

Annual Reports

This is where we make our annual reports available. The official reporting language is German. However, English versions of some reports are also available

In 2023 the young foundation had a lot to work on: project weeks in four different countries, events for coordinators in Poznan, Paderborn, Israel and Alba Iulia. Check out our report in English or German.

2022 marked the official start of the foundation. In this year it took over the operations of the socioMovens network from its sister association. This was marked by the international youth meeting in Kraków, Poland. Read the full report in German.

In accordance with our statutes, two central bodies are primarily responsible for the foundation: the foundation’s Executive Board and Board of Trustees.

Executive Board

The Executive Board is primarily responsible for the foundation’s operational work and meets at least three times a year. Since June 2023, it has comprised the following persons

– Claudia Schwarz, Münster, Chairwoman of the Executive Board

– Raphael Röwekamp, Münster, Deputy Chairman of the Board

– Gregor Christiansmeyer, Dortmund

Board of Trustees

The Foundation is advised, supported and monitored in its work by the Board of Trustees. To this end, it meets at least once a year. International socioMovens partner organizations are also given the opportunity to send members. The following people are currently members of the Board of Trustees:

– Dr. Peter Klasvogt, Schwerte, Chairman of the Board of Trustees

– Dr. Michael Kohler, Dortmund, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees

– Guido Baranowski, Fröndenberg

– Dr. Richard Böger, Paderborn

– Erich G. Fritz, Dortmund

– Ute Hanswille, Dortmund

– Matthias Hembrock, Bocholt

– Josef Lüttig, Bad Driburg

– Dr. Jakob Ohm, Herne

– Daniel Tomczak, Sucha Beskidzka

– Lukas Trötzer, Düsseldorf

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